The Central Florida Tourism Oversight District 2020 Plan is intended to provide the basis for future decisions regarding land use, development, conservation and infrastructure. It serves as the District’s official policy for the use of both private and public lands, as well as the Comprehensive Plan for the Cities of Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista. The Plan provides a framework for expansion of the unique uses in the District, while managing growth, protecting the environment, ensuring health and safety, and enhancing the quality of development.
The purpose of the CFTOD Land Development Regulations is to serve the public health, safety, and general welfare of the people who reside, work, or visit the District; implement the CFTOD Comprehensive Plan; and achieve the following objectives:
- To encourage the most appropriate use of land and the harmonious relationship among land uses
- To facilitate appropriate and innovative tourist-related recreational development
- To encourage mixed-use development in order to produce exciting pedestrian-oriented, energy-efficient clusters of activity
- To promote a safe and efficient transportation system
- To ensure the provision of adequate infrastructure
- To ensure the conservation and protection of natural resources