Public Meeting Rules

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Americans with Disabilities Act
Reedy Creek Improvement District (“RCID”) is committed to reasonably accommodating the needs of anyone with disabilities who wishes to attend or participate in public meetings. Anyone with disabilities who requires reasonable accommodations should contact the District Clerk, by telephone at (407) 934-7480, or via email at, no less than one business
day (i.e. Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays) in advance of the applicable meeting to ensure that RCID has sufficient time to accommodate their request.

In-Person Attendance
All meetings of the RCID Board of Supervisors are open to the public (except for portions thereof that may be closed to the public as permitted by applicable law) and noticed via the RCID webpage (

All visitors to the RCID Administration Building are required to check in at the lobby Security Desk.

All attendees to the meeting shall register their attendance on a sign-in sheet located in the meeting room.

Public Comment Instructions
RCID recognizes that the public has a right to be heard on matters being brought before the Board of Supervisors as provided in Section 286.0114, Florida Statutes. Attendees may make a public comment (as set forth herein) relevant to any item on the agenda of the meeting when the Presiding Member of the Board of Supervisors (“Presiding Member”) calls for comments.

Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any agenda item or subject matter shall contact the District Clerk and submit a request for Public Input. Prior to making a comment, you must be recognized by the Presiding Member. Upon being recognized by the Presiding Member, please step to the podium and provide your name, state whether you reside in and/or have a business in the District (and the name of the business, if applicable).

Speakers are requested to avoid repetition. Large groups may designate a spokesperson to speak on their behalf, who may be given a longer time to speak. A general time limit of 3 minutes to speak per person, per agenda item applies, unless otherwise specified during the meeting or otherwise authorized for a group spokesperson by the Presiding Member.

The opportunity to provide public comment on an agenda item is available until closed for discussion by the Presiding Member.

Submitted Public Comment
If you are unable to attend a meeting, written comments and related materials may be submitted no less than 1 business day (i.e. Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays) prior to the meeting and must include your name, address, phone number and clearly set out the agenda item to be addressed. Comments are limited to a maximum of 700 words per item and must be submitted to the District Clerk, as follows:

mail to:Reedy Creek Improvement District
Attention: District Clerk
Post Office Box 10170
Lake Buena Vista, Florida 32830
hand deliver to:Reedy Creek Improvement District
Attention: District Clerk
1900 Hotel Plaza Boulevard
Lake Buena Vista, Florida 32830


Written comments and related materials that are relevant to an agenda item and are timely and appropriately submitted will be provided to the Board of Supervisors.

Note: Comments that are not relevant to an agenda item, do not include the required information or are not submitted within the prescribed timeframe will not be distributed or attached to the agenda and will not be considered at the meeting. All comments received are public records, and will be maintained accordingly.

Media Attendance
The meeting room is small and, therefore, has limited space for in-person attendance. In an effort to ensure that the maximum amount of space is reserved for members of the public who wish to attend the meeting, if there are multiple requests by the media for video footage of a meeting, one (1) pool camera will be permitted at that meeting and each network/affiliate seeking video footage will be granted access to that footage. Still photographs and recordings taken  on devices (such as cellular telephones) is permitted.

Maintaining Order and Decorum at Public Meetings
RCID requires courteous, civil discourse during meetings. Anyone attending a meeting must conduct themselves following traditional rules of decorum.

While the meeting is in session, attendees shall not, by conversation or otherwise, delay or interrupt the proceedings or disturb the peace of the meeting. All attendees shall silence any beepers, cellular telephones, or other mechanical or electronic devices while the meeting is in session.

Actions such as unauthorized comments from attendees, stamping of feet, whistles, yells and similar demonstrations constitute an interruption to the meeting and are prohibited. Anyone who causes (or participates in) the interruption may be called out of order by the Presiding Member and given the option to cease the interruption or to promptly leave the meeting.

It should be noted that anyone who willfully interrupts or disturbs a public meeting in violation of F.S. § 871.01, entitled "Disturbing Schools and Religious and Other Assemblies," may be arrested with or without the conduct being noted or the offender being called to order.

The Presiding Member may declare a recess or adjourn any meeting at any time and for any reason the Presiding Member feels reasonably necessary to maintain strict order and decorum.

Application of Rules
These Rules of Procedure (“Rules”) are intended to expedite transaction of the business of the Board of Supervisors in an orderly fashion. These Rules are deemed to be procedural only. The failure to strictly observe application of these Rules shall not affect the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors or RCID, or invalidate any action taken at a meeting that is otherwise held in conformity with law.

These Rules may be suspended, in part or in whole, by order of the Presiding Member (i) in the sole and absolute discretion of the Presiding Member (should they deem such suspension reasonably necessary), or (ii) following a majority vote of the members of the Board of Supervisors. A majority vote of the Board of Supervisors may overrule the Presiding Member’s decision to suspend these Rules in whole or in part.

Appeals of Actions at a Public Meeting
If you want to be able to appeal an official decision made by the Board of Supervisors at a meeting, if an appeal is permitted by law you may need to have a verbatim record of the proceedings and it is your obligation to create the same (i.e. by retaining a court reporter) that includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based.

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